Stay tuned!
Lab experiments are in progress. We’ll let you know how they turn out once we publish the results! We’ll also post our completed projects here.
Number of reported HAB events and syndromes caused from 1980 to 2024. Presented data include the following: water discoloration, seafood toxins, coastal foam/mucilage, high phytoplankton concentration, and mass mortalities. Data retrieved from
Sustainability 2024, 16(12), 4876
Trace Metals in Phytoplankton: Requirements, Function, and Composition in Harmful Algal Blooms
Dolly C. Manic, Richard D. Redil, & Irene B. Rodriguez (June 2024)
Research comes in…… “waves”!
While you wait…
You can check out our Principal Investigator’s (Dr. Irene B. Rodriguez) recent publications and faculty profile page by clicking the links below!