Phytochemical characterization of macroalgae for food and high value products (PhycoPRO)
“This project represents the fusion of high scientific rigor and experimental innovation focused on the phytochemical characterization of various seaweed species that will eventually lead to development of novel food and biotechnology products from Philippine marine algae and their epiphytes.. ”
Objectives of the Project:
Specific objective 1: To perform systematic phytochemical characterization (including lipid, fatty acid, amino acid, and total phenolic content; proximal analysis; β-carotene, fucoxanthin, fucosterol, and iodine content of at least 50 seaweed species from the Philippines;
Specific objective 2: To assess the potential anti-cancer activity of extracts and purified compounds from seaweeds and associated epiphytes; and
Specific objective 3: To conduct training workshops and seminars on seaweed farming techniques, seaweed collection and preservation methods, and seaweed propagation strategies for faculty and researchers of partner HEIs, farming communities, and other stakeholders.
It envisions to contribute to knowledge generation about potential uses of seaweeds that will have societal and economic impacts to coastal communities and the Philippine population in general.
Funded by: Commission on Higher Education
The PhycoPRO team is still gathering more data. Stay tuned for more!