βThe Philippines sits on the coral triangle and its location represents a unique position to study the metallome of the coral holobiont and how it influences their response anthropogenic perturbations and extreme environmental stressors.
The study of the metallome in coral holobiont is because of the inherent requirement for trace metals in diverse biological functions.β
Metallomics in coral-Symbiodiniaceae assemblages:
Insights into role of metalloproteins in resilience of corals against bleaching
The Balik-PhD project aims to elucidate the roles and importance of intracellular trace metal availability in symbiotic dinoflagellates and their influence on the growth of the coral holobiont.
This project is envisioned to contribute to the advancement of basic knowledge about coral reef health as well as aid in policy making in relation to utilization of coral reef ecosystems for fisheries activities.
With this, the project will also provide opportunities for education and training of the next generation of scientists and researchers by promoting studies in the field of inorganic biogeochemistry.
Objectives of the Project:
Funded by: UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Specific Aim 1: To determine the Fe and Mn concentrations within the coral holobiont and determine its influence on the expression of Fe- and Mn-containing anti-oxidative enzymes such as Fe-SOD, Mn-SOD, and catalase
Specific Aim 2: To investigate the interaction between Zn and Co within the coral holobiont and study how this interaction is influenced by phosphate and inorganic carbon supply
Specific Aim 3: To investigate the influence of different coral hosts on the intracellular trace metal quotas and metal-containing anti-oxidant enzymes of endosymbionts
*Pictured on the left is a preserved coral embryo undergoing embryogenesis.
*Pictured below are coral egg bundles during natural spawning.
Ongoing Works:
This project is also in its early stages. We are currently planning our next course of action. Stay tuned!